Tuesday Apr 18, 2017
Scott Kedersha: Leaders, Marriage and a Local Church
Tuesday Apr 18, 2017
Tuesday Apr 18, 2017
Scott Kedersha is a Director of Premarital and Newly Married Ministries at Watermark Community Church in Dallas. Today he shares with us his story of how the Lord used a loving, local church to redeem his broken life.
After years of pursuing the world and all it had to offer, including addiction, lust and alcohol, Scott’s life was impacted by the local church and loving friends. Inside of the local church Scott found a safe place to deal with the shame and guilt of his past.
In today’s podcast Scott helps us see that a loving local church is a place of hope for hurting and struggling leaders. Scott also spends a good portion of this podcast talking about issues that plague marriages, and offers solid advice for those who are battling through an array of issues like: money, intimacy, conflict and more.
Thursday Mar 23, 2017
Dave Rae: When things don't go according to our plan
Thursday Mar 23, 2017
Thursday Mar 23, 2017
Dave Rae was an executive with Apple from 1985-1992, serving as a President of Apple Canada and growing their business from $88 million to $351 million. During his time at Apple, Dave saw himself not just as a businessman, but rather as a minister of the Gospel, and lived out his faith openly, bringing others to Jesus.
In today's podcast, Dave shares his journey of being called out of the marketplace to serve in the nonprofit sector, and what happens when in the midst of God’s clear call things don’t go according to our plans. Dave’s inspiring story of standing firm on God’s Word and giving God 1st place even in the midst of busy, secular and very corporate culture will be of great encouragement to many.
Tuesday Mar 07, 2017
Dave Rae: Fulfilling your calling as a marketplace leader
Tuesday Mar 07, 2017
Tuesday Mar 07, 2017
Dave Rae was an executive with Apple from 1985-1992, serving as a President of Apple Canada growing their business from 88 million to 351 million. During his time at Apple Dave saw himself not just as a businessman, but rather as a minister of the Gospel and shared and lived out his faith openly, bringing others to Jesus.
At the peak of his career with Apple, Dave sensed God calling him out of the marketplace to use his gifts and organizational acumen to help faith-based organizations. Since than Dave served as a President of various global faith-based organizations.
In today's podcast Dave helps us understand how those who have been called to serve in the marketplace have a unique opportunity to draw others to Jesus by the way they live a life of integrity, honesty, humility and gentleness.
Wednesday Feb 15, 2017
Phyllis Hennecy Hendry: Questions Leaders Must Ask - Who Am I?
Wednesday Feb 15, 2017
Wednesday Feb 15, 2017
Phyllis Hennecy Hendry, President and CEO of Lead Like Jesus, talks about critical questions every leader must answer in order to influence those around them. Answers to those critical questions determine how leaders interact with others, and how they respond to external pressures they constantly face.
In today's podcast Phyllis tackles the question of: Who Am I?
The question of: Who Am I defines our identity and our life purpose. When leaders understand who they are and who Jesus says they are, they begin to lead and influence out of that place of undrstanding. So what does Jesus say about our identity in Him? He tells us:
- We are forgiven
- We are chosen
- We are loved
- We are heirs with Jesus
So how will knowing who you are in Jesus influence and change the way you lead at home, work, and every other place you're planted?
Thursday Feb 02, 2017
Phyllis Hennecy Hendry: Questions Leaders Must Ask - Whose Am I?
Thursday Feb 02, 2017
Thursday Feb 02, 2017
Phyllis Hennecy Hendry, President and CEO of Lead Like Jesus, talks about critical questions every leader must answer in order to influence those around them. Answers to those critical qeustions determine how leaders interact with others, and how they respond to external pressures they constantly face.
In today's podcast Phyllis tackles the question of: Whose Am I?
Because great leadership starts on the inside, understanding whose we are will change our perspective about what we do. Phyllis illustrates how Jesus could resist the pressures of self gratification, power and public recognition becasue He knew whose He was!
Monday Jan 23, 2017
Bob Phillips: Habits of Healthy Leaders
Monday Jan 23, 2017
Monday Jan 23, 2017
Success often breeds self sufficiency. These are the words of Bob Phillips, Managing Chair of C-12 group in Memphis, TN. The C-12 organization provides Christian CEO’s and business owners with a safe place for sharing, learning and growing in order to incorporate faith into their businesses.
In today’s podcast Bob walks us through keystone habits of healthy leaders. Some of the habits Bob focuses on are:
- Priority time (staying in the Word)
- Self-development and being teachable
- Life balance checks
Thursday Jan 05, 2017
Bob Phillips: Living out your faith at work
Thursday Jan 05, 2017
Thursday Jan 05, 2017
Success often breeds self sufficiency. These are the words of Bob Phillips, Managing Chair of C-12 group in Memphis, TN. The C-12 organization provides Christian CEO’s and business owners with a safe place for sharing, learning and growing in order to incorporate faith into their businesses.
Before joining C-12, Bob was a successful executive who was born and raised as a cultural Christian, but never lived out his faith. While succeeding at work Bob’s marriage began to suffer. Because of his wife’s faithfulness and prayers, Bob finally realized his need for Jesus and began his faith journey. In today’s podcast Bob talks about the importance for Jesus-following CEOs and business owners to become part of a community that provides accountability, is wiling to ask tough questions, and helps its members to authentically live out faith through daily work.
Tuesday Dec 27, 2016
Barbara Glanz: Coping With Change
Tuesday Dec 27, 2016
Tuesday Dec 27, 2016
Barbara Glanz, a member of the prestigious Speaker Hall of Fame and one of fewer than 200 female Certified Speaking Professionals worldwide, works with organizations that want to improve morale, retention, and service. Barbara helps people rediscover the joy in their work and in their lives.
In today's podcast Barbara talks about change, and why change always comes bearing gifts, whether we recognize it right away or not. Barbara walks us through questions we should ask ourselves and those around us in order to fully embrace change, questions like:
What do I have to let go of to move over to the other side?
Am I holding onto what was?
Barbara addressess the need for leaders to allow people they influence time to process change and to grieve.
Wednesday Dec 14, 2016
Barbara Glanz: Exceptional Employee Engagement
Wednesday Dec 14, 2016
Wednesday Dec 14, 2016
Barbara Glanz, a member of the prestigious Speaker Hall of Fame and one of fewer than 200 female Certified Speaking Professionals worldwide, works with organizations that want to improve morale, retention, and service. Barbara helps people rediscover the joy in their work and in their lives.
In today's podcast Barbara talks about why creating a culture of exceptional employee engagement is critical to the success of any business and organization. Barbara is a firm believer that all of us are much more than our job title. Whether stay at home mom, mechanic, clerk, teacher or a CEO, all of us have a unique opportunity to make a diffrence.
She challanges both individuals and organizations to think about this one question: How is what you do every day making someone's life better?
Tuesday Nov 29, 2016
Brad Lomenick: When Leadership Goes Stale
Tuesday Nov 29, 2016
Tuesday Nov 29, 2016
In today's podcast Brad Lomenick, author of 3H Leadership and the visionary behind the Catalyst movement for young leaders, shares a personal story of the time when he realized that his leadership went stale.
Getting to the point of understanding that his leadership was not bad but it was also preventing his team from thriving, Brad decided to take some time out and re-evaluate his own calling and his identity in Jesus.
Brad walks us though issues like the importance of self discovery, humility, queit confidence, and ability to make healthy transitions as a leader.