Thursday Apr 14, 2016
Mick Ukleja: Managing Millennials Part 2: Engaging Millennials in the Workplace
Thursday Apr 14, 2016
Thursday Apr 14, 2016
Mick Ukleja, Founder and President of LeadershipTraQ and an expert on ethics, shares with us insights from his book titled Managing the Millennials.
Mick addresses the generational gap and potential pitfalls that can occur when those who manage Millennials and emerging generations fail to both understand them and adjust their managing style to the behavior and the needs of the younger generations.
Today's podcast gives leaders a list of practical steps they can take to engage Millennials in the workplace. From setting clear expectations and accountability to acknowledging and rewarding their contributions, when leaders manage them well, Millennials can be an incredible asset for any organization!
Thursday Apr 07, 2016
Mick Ukleja: Managing Millennials and the Generational Gap
Thursday Apr 07, 2016
Thursday Apr 07, 2016
Mick Ukleja, Founder and President of LeadershipTraQ and an expert on ethics shares with us insights fro his book titled Managing the Millennials.
Mick addresses the generational gap and potential pitfalls that can occur when those who manage Millennials and emerging generations fail to both understand it and adjust their managing style to the behavior and the needs of the younger generations.
Mick’s podcast gives leaders on all levels the wisdom they need on order to not only manage but also influence and help shape this incredibly influential generation.
Wednesday Mar 30, 2016
Alex Rodriguez: Leading Emerging Generations
Wednesday Mar 30, 2016
Wednesday Mar 30, 2016
Alex Rodriguez is a young leader who uses social media to inspire and motivate emerging generations to dream big, to reach their full potential, and most importantly to look at Jesus as their ultimate guide! Recently Alex and his mom, Susanne, became certified facilitators for Lead Like Jesus.
At age 21, Alex's mother was in a serious car accident while on a trip with grandmother to Greece. She found herself tumbling 250 feet down the side of a mountain, with nowhere to look but up.
“I definitely had a conversation with God,” she recalls. “I prayed, ‘I don’t want to die; this is not where I want to be.’” In those moments between life and death, she promised God she would raise a child to know Him and serve Him, if only God would let her live. Alex believes that this moment was monumental to him starting his outreach to the emerging generations with messages that are deep enough to interest, yet short enough to connect and keep today's young audience engaged. Today, hundreds of thousands of young men and women tune in to hear what Alex has to say.
Thursday Mar 24, 2016
Drew Bailey: 3 Steps to Intentional Leadership
Thursday Mar 24, 2016
Thursday Mar 24, 2016
Drew Bailey, Marketing Manager at FedEx and a recipient of the FedEx Five Star Award, shares with us his incredible story of God using adversity to transform his life. Drew, by all accounts, was least likely to achieve success. Being raised by his grandmother (due to his mother's drug addiction and an absent father) Drew watched his grandmother pray for him and his siblings since he was a young boy. Because of his grandmother's belief that education was crucial for Drew to have a future, she did all she could to help him go to the best public schools, and enrolled him in Boy Scouts where Drew learned the importance of "Giving Back."
Thursday Mar 17, 2016
Drew Bailey: Humility, Second Chances and Giving Back
Thursday Mar 17, 2016
Thursday Mar 17, 2016
Drew Bailey, Marketing Manager at FedEx and a recipient of the FedEx Five Star Award, shares with us his incredible story of God using adversity to transform his life. Drew, by all accounts, was least likely to achieve success. Being raised by his grandmother (due to his mother's drug addiction and an absent father) Drew watched his grandmother pray for him and his siblings since he was a young boy. Because of his grandmother's belief that education was crucial for Drew to have a future, she did all she could to help him go to the best public schools, and enrolled him in Boy Scouts where Drew learned the importance of "Giving Back."
Thursday Mar 03, 2016
Tommy Spaulding: "I" vs. "We" Leadership Ratio.
Thursday Mar 03, 2016
Thursday Mar 03, 2016
Tommy Spaulding, President of the Spaulding Companies, is a leadership expert, keynote speaker and an author of two New York Times best sellers: It's Not Just Who You Know and The Heart-Led Leader.
Tommy's humble upbringing, and his struggles with severe dyslexia , which always left him feeling like he is not "good enough," set the stage for Tommy's incredible success as a leader and an entrepreneur.
In today's podcast, Tommy addresses two simple words - "I" and "We" - that distinguish heart-led leaders from self-serving leaders. During research for his latest book, The Heart-Led Leader, Tommy learned that 90 percent of leaders today are self-serving. Tommy also realized that the serving leader model has been put on the back burner by many because it has never been attached to bottom-line results. Tommy's greatest desire is to awaken leaders to the realization that becoming a heart-led leader who loves and serves is the only enduring model, and if we pay close attention, it does drive incredible bottom-line results!
Wednesday Feb 24, 2016
Tommy Spaulding: Winners and Losers. It's NOT About You.
Wednesday Feb 24, 2016
Wednesday Feb 24, 2016
Tommy Spaulding, President of the Spaulding Companies, is a leadership expert, keynote speaker and an author of two best sellers: It's Not Just Who You Know and The Heart-Led Leader.
Tommy's humble upbringing, and his struggles with severe dyslexia , which always left him feeling like he is not "good enough," set the stage for Tommy's incredible success as a leader and an entrepreneur.
Calling it "the greatest thing that happened to him," Tommy shares how dyslexia, and the challenges it brought about, helped him discover and finally purse his true passion – relationship building and entrepreneurship.
In today's podcast, Tommy shares how a teacher helped him discover his gift of entrepreneurship, and how after chasing money, success, and position, he finally quit his well paid IBM job and resolved to pursue his passion instead of money.
Wednesday Feb 17, 2016
Phil Cooke: Relevance and How to Make Your Message Stand Out
Wednesday Feb 17, 2016
Wednesday Feb 17, 2016
Thursday Feb 11, 2016
Phil Cooke: Leading With Your Talent
Thursday Feb 11, 2016
Thursday Feb 11, 2016
Thursday Feb 04, 2016
Clifton Lambreth: Decisions Determine Destiny
Thursday Feb 04, 2016
Thursday Feb 04, 2016